Act for the climate
Ocean and Cryosphere
In this video clip, a scientific expert tells us about Marine Energies.
Raphaël Gerson is the deputy head of renewable energies department at ADEME (Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie), France.
CLIM is a series of videos created by the OCE, Dorothée Adam-Mazard, Claire Adam-Mazard and the production company WATTSON.
The first series of videos as part of the OCE educational project dedicated to the theme Ocean & Cryosphere, in the context of climate change.
Subtitles are available in French, English, Spanish and German. To access them, simply launch the video and click on settings.
- Expertise and presentation: Raphaël Gerson, ADEME
- Coordination: Lydie Lescarmontier, OCE
- Director: Dorothée Adam-Mazard, Claire Adam-Mazard
- Co-production: Office for Climate Education and WATTSON society, with the support of ADEME.
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