Climate science
Climate system
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This conceptual framework explains the different scientific concepts present in the IPCC special report "Global warming of 1.5°C".
Click on the image to enlarge, or download a PDF version.
Each "concept" refers to a simple statement that corresponds to an idea we aim the students to learn (validated by the scientific community, and not an initial representation).
Each concept is written as a short, simple sentence, with a phrasing level that is expected from a 15 years old student (end of lower secondary school).
Conceptual frameworks are powerful tools that:
- help teachers understand the studied phenomena and the links between the different concepts discussed;
- allow the identification of important concepts, as well as their level of understanding, thus facilitating the construction of a formative and/or summative assessment;
- implement inquiry-based learning throughout the entire sequence of lessons;
- enable teachers to understand why a given sequence has been constructed in a particular way (by highlighting prerequisites, thematic paths, or logical links) and help them to assimilate them more easily.
- keep in mind that the activities carried out must lead to the acquisition of knowledge;
- accompany the coherent progression of the student, respecting the natural flow of thought, both at the scale of a project and during the school year.
- allow students, when using a conceptual framework to review the sequence, to put into perspective the different concepts discussed, as well as the links between them. This can be particularly useful in the study of complex phenomena such as climate change.
Click here to access a professional development activity for teachers based on conceptual frameworks.
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