The Office for Climate Education is hosting its first International Seminar on Climate Education.
Pairs of educators and policy makers from various countries outside the European Union will join together in Paris for a week of workshops in June 2022.
Facing climate change, a considerable and extensive effort is needed to ensure that young generations are able to understand the stakes of climate change and take action in order to protect them form prejudice, ideology or irrational thinking, and prepare them to live in a changing world.
Climate change education, which takes place in primary and secondary schools, requires a multidisciplinary approach involving traditional scientific subjects, as well as humanities and social sciences, and should be action oriented. Teachers, whose role is absolutely essential to the success of such an educational project, need, worldwide, to be accompanied by the support of quality pedagogical resources as well as professional development.
In this context, the Office for Climate Education and the Foundation La main à la pâte decided to devote the next session of the La main à la pâte’s annual international seminar on science education to the topic of climate change education. In partnership with the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, educators and policy makers will discover and get acquainted with the latest trends, methodologies and tools on climate change education (CCE).
This seminar will aim to:
- Facilitate a dialogue between stakeholders, scientists and educators on CCE.
- Share best practices on CCE.
- Facilitate cross-collaborations to implement CCE projects, especially in Southern countries.
Most activities will take place in Paris, and its surroundings. This seminar will be comprised of one week of conferences, workshops and field visits in France, including:
- Workshops on CCE approaches: inquiry-based and project-based learning, interdisciplinary, eco-anxiety, critical thinking etc.
- Construction of teacher development programs.
- Strategic planning and implementation of climate change in national curricula.
- Class visits.
Clic on the image to see the program