The Office for Climate Education is a foundation sheltered by the Foundation La main à la pâte. Its founding members are: Météo France, the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Sorbonne University and the association Météo et Climat. The OCE has been a centre under the auspices of UNESCO since 2020.
The OCE is legally represented by the Fondation La main à la pâte, but enjoys operational autonomy and has its own governance structures:
- a Strategic board;
- a Scientific and Pedagogical Committee;
- an Operational team based in Paris.
Strategic Board
The Strategic Board decides on the missions and development of the OCE, establishes an annual action plan, votes on the budget, and appoints the members of the Scientific and Pedagogical Committee, among others. The Strategic Board of the OCE is composed of:
Ex-officio members
- Nicolas Arnaud, Director of INSU-CNRS
- Jean Jouzel, President of the association Météo et Climat;
- Won-Jung Byun, Team Leader on Greening Education Partnership, UNESCO
- François Ravetta, Director of LATMOS, scientific diplomacy senior advisor to the President of Sorbonne University;
- Hervé Roquet, Deputy Director of Research, Météo-France;
- Didier Roux, President of the Foundation La main à la pâte;
- Marie-Lise Sabrié, delegate for "science with and for society" at the Research Institute for Development (IRD).
Qualified members
- Barbara Filtzinger, Head of the Education Working Area at Siemens Stiftung, Germany;
- Eric Guilyardi, Oceanographer and Climate Scientist, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL);
- Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Climate scientist and Research Director at the CEA, co-chair of Working Group 1 of the IPCC;
- Coralie Noël, Senior official for sustainable development, Ministry of Education, France
- Anna Pirani, Head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group 1 Technical Support Unit;
Permanent guests
- Hélène Combel, Inspector, French Ministry of Education, acting as Government Commissioner;
- Pierre Léna, Académie des sciences, Honorary President of the OCE and La main à la pâte;
- Yves Saint-Geours, President of the Commission nationale française pour l'UNESCO;
- David Wilgenbus, Executive Director of the OCE.
Éric Guilyardi is the Chair of the Strategic Board of the OCE.
Scientific and pedagogical committee
The Scientific and Pedagogical Committee ensures that the actions carried out by the OCE (in particular, the production of educational resources and teachers’ professional development) are evaluated.
The Committee is composed of 18 qualified members:
- Juan Carlos Andrade, Pedagogical Coordinator "Science for All Program", Veracruz State Secretary of Education, Mexico;
- Badin Borde, Education project manager, Siemens Stiftung, Germany;
- Apurva Barve, Biologist and Science Educator (Coordinator, Centre for Resources, Maharashtra State Faculty Development Academy, Pune, India)
- Nada Caud, Outreach manager, IPCC WG1 TSU, France;
- Caroline Côté, Pedagogical advisor, Centre de Services Scolaire de Navigateurs, Québec, Canada;
- Sanny Djohan, Director of PT Kuark Internasional, Indonesia;
- Clotilde Dubois, Oceanographer and climate scientist, Météo-France, France;
- Jean-Louis Dufresne, Research Director at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France;
- Serge Janicot, Climate scientist at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), France;
- Pramod Kumar Sharma, Senior Director of Education, Foundation for Environmental Education, Danemark;
- Benjamin Mallon, Assistant Professor of Geography and Citizenship Education, Dublin City University, Ireland;
- Claudia Martinez, Executive Director, Educator Programs and California Subject Matter Project, Diversity and Engagement, University of California Office of the President, USA;
- Cliona Murphy, Associate professor at the Institute of Education, Dublin City University, Ireland;
- Minal Pathak, Senior Scientist, IPCC Working Group III Technical Support Unit, India;
- Pilar Reyes, Executive director ECBI program, University of Chile, Chile;
- Anwar Rumjaun, Associate Professor at Mauritius Institute of Education, Mauritius;
- Jenny Schlüpmann, Physicist, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany;
- Gabrielle Zimmermann, Biologist and teacher trainer, Fondation La main à la pâte, France
Cliona Murphy and Anwar Rumjaun are both acting Co-Chair of the Scientific and pedagogical committee of the OCE.