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Class activities

Futures literacy

Students revisit the concept of scenarios they have encountered in previous lessons. They imagine stories of possible futures. It is a good opportunity to project themselves into a positive world under climate stress.

Futures literacy

Students revisit the concept of scenarios they have encountered in previous lessons. They imagine stories of possible futures. It is a good opportunity to project themselves into a positive world under climate stress.

Class activities

Urban Heat Islands

Using a multimedia animation, students understand what urban heat islands are. They differentiate mitigation and adaptation scenarios, as well as their trade-offs and gains regarding the SDG’s.

Urban Heat Islands

Using a multimedia animation, students understand what urban heat islands are. They differentiate mitigation and adaptation scenarios, as well as their trade-offs and gains regarding the SDG’s.

Class activities

Building scenarios and observing model responses

Students make choices and adjust parameters to build different scenarios. They look at projections to assess the impact of their choices. The scenarios they will build depend on choices made by farmers and the responses are based on biology. Similarly, IPCC scenarios are based on societal choices, and the climate responses are based on science.

Building scenarios and observing model responses

Students make choices and adjust parameters to build different scenarios. They look at projections to assess the impact of their choices. The scenarios they will build depend on choices made by farmers and the responses are based on biology. Similarly, IPCC scenarios are based on societal choices, and the climate responses are based on science.

Climate science

IPCC Special Report "The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate" - Summary for teachers

The "Summary for Teachers of the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC)" is an ideal resource to help you educate your students about the critical role oceans and frozen environments play in the climate system.

IPCC Special Report "The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate" - Summary for teachers

The "Summary for Teachers of the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC)" is an ideal resource to help you educate your students about the critical role oceans and frozen environments play in the climate system.

Multimedia activities

Carbon Cycle

Trace the different carbon fluxes on Earth, before the industrial revolution and in the present day, and observe changes in the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Carbon Cycle

Trace the different carbon fluxes on Earth, before the industrial revolution and in the present day, and observe changes in the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Multimedia activities

Land food webs

Find the names of each species and try to find out who eats who in six different continental ecosystems. Then visualize the impact of climate change or human activities on these networks.

Land food webs

Find the names of each species and try to find out who eats who in six different continental ecosystems. Then visualize the impact of climate change or human activities on these networks.


The Regulating Role of the Ocean on the Climate - Sébastien Carassou

The Regulating Role of the Ocean on the Climate - Sébastien Carassou This video is part of the Billes de sciences series, produced by the Fondation La Main à la

The Regulating Role of the Ocean on the Climate - Sébastien Carassou

The Regulating Role of the Ocean on the Climate - Sébastien Carassou This video is part of the Billes de sciences series, produced by the Fondation La Main à la