
Start date
End date
5 days

12 avenue de l'amphithéatre
2016 Carthage

This workshop was intended for trainers and institutions working in French-speaking Africa. The theme of climate change was addressed with special emphasis on the ocean and cryosphere. Taking into account the context of climate change in Africa (especially in North Africa), the themes of agriculture and adaptation and mitigation were also addressed.

The workshop took place at the Centre International de Formation des Formateurs et D'Innovation Pédagogique in Carthage (CIFFIP), Tunisia, from 21 to 25 January 2019. It was organized with the operational support of ESPRIT and the participation of a local scientist mobilized by IRD.



The training benefited 30 participants from the following 7 countries: South Africa, Algeria, Benin, Cameroon, Italy, Morocco and Tunisia, with delegations of 2 or 3 participants from each country (except for Tunisia - 15 participants).

The participants had a wide range of profiles: teachers (secondary school, high school, university), professional development providers, inspectors, education specialists, and researchers.


Invited speakers


The workshop was designed by alternating "immersive" workshops to set up an investigative situation (questioning, debates, experiments, individual, group or collective work) with moments of analysis of the activities experienced, moments for exchange of practices between participants, group work for the production of education projects, conferences and a field visit.






Attendance to the event

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