
This Second International Conference on Climate Change Education was organized at a distance and brought together government representatives, society and international experts under the theme "Strengthening Networks for Action".

The conference is based on the concept that climate change education is urgent and that schools, as well as non-formal education organizations, should be seen as a driving force for community transformation. For this reason, during three days more than 20 experts gave lectures and workshops for the general public, teachers and students. 



The conference is organized by the University of Chile in collaboration with the Scientific Investigation Program for Science Education ICEC 2019 - 2021 MINEDUC, through the Center for Climate Science and Resilience (CR)2, the Center for Advanced Research in Education and the ECBI Program, the Office for Climate Education (OCE), regional UNESCO and the Siemens Stiftung International Foundation.


Date de publication
Office for Climate Education OCE